Me Before You

Me Before You - Jojo Moyes This book was a total unexpected surprise for me a pleasant one or not I am unable to decide not even after finishing it... because I don’t even remember the last book which made me cry so hard for continues half an hour after finishing it! This one did it for me. Yes I am an emotional person and many books has made my eyes moist but literally sobbing like THIS ‘never’… I kept telling myself its ok its just a book that is all…but some part of me kept reminding that there are people who have gone through all these torment in their life and it only made me cry more! But believe me this is not a book which only makes you cry there are so many moments where you laugh out loud and enjoy as well!!

To be specific this is NOT a love story though it looks like one… but it’s not!! Its a story about a constant sufferer who is suffering from quadriplegic (which I had no idea about until I read this book) and about a girl who don’t even know what to make out of her life. Coming back to the story ‘Will’ an adventure lover one fateful day is met with an accident,which was not his mistake by the way but his life turns upside down forever now he just sits in his wheelchair unable to do or move anything. After passing around two years like this in a wheelchair he just decides to end his life. When he informs this to his parents they only ask for six months of his time just so that they can change his mind and also hires a caretaker named 'Louisa' who knows nothing about taking care but just wants a job and money to support herself and her family. Then the journey starts for both 'Will' and 'Louisa' a journey of just six months filled withdreams, happiness, sadness, bitter truth and reality of life which changes their life forever. Author Jojo Moyes has done a great job presenting such a wonderful, gripping book in such a simple and logical way.