PS, I Love You

PS, I Love You - Cecelia Ahern I wanted to read this book ever since I had watched the movie (that was long ago) but ended up reading it now. Somehow I felt the movie and the book were totally different from each other except for the title and some characters. Anyway I felt the book was better because of my own reasons like, you learn more about all the characters and also the story would be in detail in a book rather than in a 2 hr movie.
About the book, I would say the author has done a great job. The characters she created seemed very real, well differentiated and were relatable as well. Some of situations were very heart touching, specially scenes concerning Holly’s loneliness, her and Gerry’s beautiful moments, their unfulfilled dreams. Holly was sometimes a bit too cranky and moody but it was quite natural the way she acted, I never felt her feelings were exaggerated even when she was jealous of her best friends, when they moved on with their lives and she was still fixed to her old memories.
Now what I didn’t like about the books was, it was too sluggish, also the letters from Gerry to Holly were too short, it could have been a bit longer and apart from that the other major let down was the ending which really didn't go well with the whole story. I mean after reading 400 pages it ended where it had started originally. That was something which didn’t go well with me. But overall it was good read the time spent with this book was worthwhile.