The Hypnotist's Love Story

‘The Hypnotist’s Love Story’ this title looked too intriguing to me on top of that it was written by Liane, that was reason enough for me to pick up this book.
Ellen a professional hypnotherapist was longing for that perfect someone in her life. When she eventually found her Mr Right in Patrick, she hardly knew with him came his Ex-girlfriend-cum-stalker Saskia (what a strange name!!) as well, who is actually taking hypnotherapy sessions from Ellen but Ellen had no idea that she had been treating her boyfriends stalker (sounds creepy right?) But what happens when Ellen finally know who Saskia is?Absolutely nothing!!
Although the story had all the chances of becoming a super psychotic thriller yet it was not. It was much more pragmatic than that. Each character in this book looked very real, with all their flaws. You neither could hate them nor you could like them (even the Stalker for that matter!!). But you would definitely understand the reason behind their action and reaction or should I say Author Liane makes sure the readers understand each character and accept them with their flaws. Well that shows the beauty of her writing.
But I still feel somewhere the story lost its edge and the problem was that it was difficult to point out the very spot from where i stared feeling that. I really expected something more from it but i must admit that after finishing this book, now i feel as if if i had got that ‘something’ the whole story would’ve seemed a bit exaggerated. Having given a my mixed opinion I conclude saying, though this book is a bit undercooked but still its definitely eatable.